July 30, 21 FRI @ Vifore Compound Out-Reach
?6월 선교 보고 딤전3:15 이 집은 살아 계신 하나님의 교회요 진리의 기둥과 터니라. 선교 동역자님! 주님의 이름으로 문안을 드립니다. 코로나로 인하여 모든 나라와 민족이 신음하며 구원을 베푸시는 주의 손길을 기다리고 있습니다. 코로나는 주님의 마지막 경고임을 깨닫고, 하나님의 뜻을 버리고 세상을 사랑했던 물질만능 주의에 사로잡혔던 모든 죄를 회개합니다. 필리핀도 여전히 꺼지지 않는 불처럼, 총 코로나 확진자가 …
July 30, 2021 FRI @ Korean Journal on Report of June 2021 Report Read More »
Today, two strong typhoons hit the Philippines. It was one of those days where it was really difficult to come to worship because the site was all around with floods and the muddy roads were slippery. There were too many sick members who were quarantined due to corona due to weather changed, fever, tonsils, headache, …
We’re in heavy 2 Typhoon Fabian+Nerpatic together, severe rain, strong windy…day and night this week through. Even we went out to evangelize people, because of too strong wind, rain, and corona 19, No people in the street. So we did a short outreach this time. My house was also a crisis of water overflows almost, …
Rain rain today~when we started Sunday worship. so pictures are not clear, after worship, it’s heavy~~heavy rain again. anyway, we did it by God’s grace. Thank you pray for us. https://www.amazon.com/photos/shared/V919eJqOQLeQtXL0I72ZoA.z_Tv2gAoLk9EvIR3JhN3Rg
?필리핀 COVID-19 확진자 오늘 현재 총확진자 1,436,369 오늘 새확진자 5,966명 증가 Last night, heavy thunder, lightning, and storm here. Everywhere very slippery and muddy, still raining, mothers not allowed to go out children, be careful with the accident, So today not many children and Moms too busy caring kids in their house. NO matter how …